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Missing In Action

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Well, there’s been an extended amount of time since the last time I post. My apologies! Personal reasons, health and incarceration, haha, has kept me from the less obligatory things in life. Like posting or spending much time in front of the computer doing things I enjoy. My apologies!

Speaking of, in your opinion, what are the more important things in life? Things that you just can’t live without? Things that are what makes you happy? Are one of those things an absolute unnecessary? Like a drug or nicotine product or alcohol? Or is it money? Maybe it’s a friend that you’ve had for years. Maybe it’s your significant other, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend or life partner. Is it a pet? A favorite food? Money of course is a necessity that we all must have to have… But do we really need money to be happy? Yes, having money and a shit ton of it would be absolutely awesome and would make life much easier and much more enjoyable, but do we really need it to be truly happy and have everything we truly need in life?

My experiences recently, have not necessarily brought a new perspective, but have made me think about quite a few different things in my life that I appreciate and realize that I absolutely can not live without. One of those being peace. Keeping the drama, nonsense and problematic people out of my life. I have been actively trying to push or eliminate, get rid of indefinitely, remove and keep gone, those type of things in my life. I just got fed up with all the bullshit, the manipulations, the moonlighting and the drama that creates issues and problems in my life. And trying to due so has been more challenging than I initially expected them to be to remove.

The most challenging one, I have learned, has been people. They just don’t seem to want to go away. No matter how hard I try to keep distance from these problematic people, they just keep popping back into my life. Or will just not go anywhere! Some have creeped back in. Some didn’t budge. They stayed right where they were. And some got booted as far is I could kick them and have stayed gone.

Another one that is obviouse and probably just as challenging for everyone is debt. Or financial related issues. That’s just one of those things that no matter who you are or how much money one has, there is always going to be some sort of dealings to be dealt with.

Something I have discovered in this process is that people you never would have thought to be insubordinate lack accountability. I am having hell with people being accountable for their actions, or taking care of their obligations. It’s absolutely unbelievable how unaccountable people can be. With their own obligatory things in life and with their own responsibilities they have. Seems to me like they want everyone else to take care of them for them or they just procrastinate or put it off until its past the last minute to take of these things. Then, these things become an emergency and again look to anyone else to take care of it for them.

I think I will stop there for now. I might come back to this topic later. So, let me know what you think. Let me have your perspective, thoughts or opinion about all or any of this. Share your experiences if you have any that are similar. Or just discuss and cuss and give any insights if you have any.

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General conversation about topics that sometimes might get a little controversial

Missing In Action

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