Small town discussion and small town questions.
I was born and raised in this area. Farming, ranching, growing and learning. I did leave for a few years and was fortunate enough to get to travel the country some while working abroad. Getting to see other states, communities and cities. Getting cultured some might say. Getting to do so was definitely educational and an eye opener. To the fact that there are lots of better places to be than here and a ton that are way worse than here. I definitely didn’t spend much time in those places. However, after about a year of working away and traveling for work, all I could think about was how bad I wanted to get back home. It’s not such a horrible place to be after all. Fact about myself, I’m kind of like that old country song, I was country when country wasn’t cool. I stuck out in a crowd like a smashed finger. Tall, lanky, confident and not scared of anything. Definitely got some looks, more like stares. Yep, wearing my boots, jeans, long sleeved shirts and the only guy in the building that took his cap or hat off when entering a building. Habit I guess… And when addressing someone or thanking them for something, saying ma’am or sir. Well, I got looks of astonishment and wonder. Like, where in the hell did you come from and what did you just say? And holding the door open for a lady or gentleman coming up behind me or coming out as I was going in, some were shocked and grateful. Some where shocked and offended. Men and women, yes. Ha ha, I never did get used to that, the being shocked and either grateful or offended. I’m back home now and just living life. Wondering if some of the things I hear or experience here are normal? Ethical? Should be even acceptable in todays society? I have my opinions. What are yours? What are your insights and thoughts?